Registry Working Party
Informed Patient Consent
Home/ Working Parties/ Registry Working Party/ Informed Patient Consent
Before entering patient data into the ESID Database you have to obtain an informed patient consent (PIC). Patient consent forms containing information on the ESID Registry are available here in many languages.
Please note that on principle these forms need to be approved by a competent (Research) Ethics Committe or IRB according to your (local) regulations before use!
Please do not use versions with note 'NEEDS EC APPROVAL' yet.
Informed patient consent with prefix GDPR and date are versions in accordance with the regulations set forth by the GDPR.
For all the others, please see version and date of each form by selecting the files. These are outdated and only listed here for your reference. For all new registrations please use only GDPR compliant versions to get the patients' consent.
Please note that not all individual centre-specific versions are listed here.
GDPR compliant PIC language (country, centre) versions
Arabic (Cairo, Version 3.01, 17.02.2020, translated from English Version 3.01)
Armenian (NEEDS EC APPROVAL, Version 3.01, 28.10.2019, translated from German Version 3.01)
Bulgarian (EC Sofia, Version 3.01, 25.11.2019, translated from German Version 3.01)
Croatian (EC Zagreb, Version 3.01, 25.05.2020, translated from German Version 3.01)
Czech version (EC Prague, Version 3.01, 30.03.2020, translated from German Version 3.01)
Czech version (EC Brno, Version 3.01, 23.02.2021, to be used only for centre Brno, revised version for Brno, based on Czech version 3.01)
Danish (Version 1, 24.12.2020, translated from German Version 3.01)
Dutch (NEEDS EC APPROVAL, Version 3.01, 17.03.2020, translated from German Version 3.01)
English (NB: General version, not adapted for a specific country or centre, NEEDS EC APPROVAL, Version 3.02, 24.09.2019, revised version translated from German Version 3.01)
English (To be used only for centre Dublin, EC Dublin, Version 3.01, 10.10.2019, revised version translated from German Version 3.01)
French (NB: General version, not adapted for a specific country or centre, NEEDS EC APPROVAL, Version 3.01, 24.07.2019, translated from German Version 3.01)
French_CEREDIH (EC Paris (CENEM), Version 3.01, 17.06.2021, revised version for CEREDIH (France), based on German version 3.01)
French_Geneva (EC Geneva, Version 4, 18.01.2021, revised version for Geneva University Hospital)
German (EC Freiburg: Version 3.01, 03 June 2019)
German_Munich (To be used only for centre Munich: EC LMU Munich, Version 3.01, 24 July 2019)
German_Austria (To be used only for Austria!, Austrian Version, EC Graz: Version 4.1, 22 July 2019)
German_Switzerland (To be used only for Kinderspital Zurich, Swiss Version, EC Zurich: Version 11/20, 09.11.2020)
Greek (EC Athens, Version 3.02, 22.11.2019, translated from English Version 3.02)
Hebrew (NEEDS EC APPROVAL, Version 3.01, 12.09.2019, translated from German Version 3.01)
Hungarian (EC Budapest, Version 2.11a, 01.01.2021)
Italian (EC Milano, Version 3.02, 24.09.2020, translated from English Version 3.02)
Persian (RCID-TUMS, Tehran, version: 3.01, 13.07.2020, translated from English Version 3.01)
Portuguese (EC CHUPorto/ICBAS, Version 3.01, 06.02.2020, translated from German Version 3.01)
Polish (EC Warsaw, Version 3.02, 24.09.2019, translated from English Version 3.02)
Romanian (EC Bucharest, Version 3.02, 24.09.2020, translated from English Version 3.02)
Russian (EC Minsk, Version 3.01, 24.08.2019, translated from German Version 3.01)
Slovak_Bratislava (EC Bratislava, Version 3.01, 08.07.2020, translated from German Version 3.01, adapted for Bratislava)
Slovak_Martin (EC Martin, Version 3.01, 01.10.2020, translated from German Version 3.01, adapted for Martin)
Slovenian (EC Golnik, Version 3.01, 03.12.2019, translated from German Version 3.01)
Spanish (EC Barcelona, Version 4, 02.10.2020, translated from Revised English Version 3.02)
Turkish (EC Samsun, Version 3.01, 04.04.2020, translated from German Version 3.01)
United Kingdom uses PIC forms approved by national authorities for UKPID Registry!
Ukrainian (EC Ternopil, Version 3.01, 25.10.2019, translated from German Version 3.01)
Instructions how to handle the supplement to data protection
Please find here the procedures to handle the supplement to data protection.
Language and country specific versions of the supplement to data protection
Please find here a list of available language versions of the "Supplement to data protection".
Dutch adapted for Leuven
German (not to be used in Austria or Switzerland!)
German (for Switzerland only)
Spanish and Catalan versions provided by Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunodeficiencies Unit (UPIIP):
These PIC-Forms may only be used in combination with a respective, Swiss specific addendum, similar to the Supplement to data protection. Final decision on how to proceed regarding GDPR in Switzerland is pending
Last update: 2021-09-25