PID Care in Development Working Party


Apply Now for the 3rd PID Care in Development (PIDCD) School

Dear ESID Members,

We extend a warm invitation to you to apply for the ESID 3rd PID Care in Development (PIDCD) School in Zagreb, Croatia taking place from the 12th to the 14th of December 2024.
This school is oriented to professionals in the need of expanding their knowledge on Primary Immunodeficiencies for their daily work, due to the absence of reference centers for PIDs in their surroundings.

ESID 2nd PID Care in development School

ESID 2nd PID Care in Development School

Location: Hotel Amphora, Split, Croatia
Dates: September 14th-16th 2023

Aim of the school: This school is oriented towards professionals in the need of expanding their knowledge on Primary Immunodeficiencies for their daily work, due to the absence of reference centers for PIDs in their surroundings.  

ESID 1st PID Care in development School

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ESID 1st PID Care in Development School

Location: Hotel Academia, Zagreb, Croatia
Dates: September 15th-17th 2022

Aim of the school: This school is oriented to professionals in the need of expanding their knowledge on Primary Immunodeficiencies for their daily work, due to the absence of reference centers for PIDs in their surroundings.

2018 Spring School Report

Spring School for Primary Immunodeficiencies, a  traditional meeting of young immunologists interested in  primary immunodeficiencies was held on 26th April – 28th April 2018 in Kutna Hora, The Czech Republic. 

2016 Eastern Spring School - Report

The second ESID Eastern Spring School in Primary Immunodeficiencies was held in May 2016 in Třeboň, a historical city in southern Bohemia, in the Czech Republic. The school was planned as an opportunity for young colleagues, mostly ESID juniors, to join the faculty and over 4 days discuss many interesting and novel aspects of PIDs.

2013 - 12th ESID Prague Spring Meeting - Report

Report on the 12th ESID Prague Spring Meeting, May 13-14, 2013 

Department of Immunology, 2nd Medical School, Charles University, Motol University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic

2012 - 11th ESID Prague Spring Meeting - Report

Department of Immunology, 2nd Medical School
Charles University
University Hospital Motol
Prague, Czech Republic